How to Read String With Scanner in Java

How the calculator is working? Means how y'all can enter the numeric value for calculation and get the arithmetic solutions? It is possible because the application can read the input from the user. If you are beginner then sometimes y'all write a program about "Java User Input", eg add the ii numbers. We volition run into the example of adding and how Java User Input takes String and Integer from the system console.

Java User Input Scanner, String, Integer

Means To Read Java Input

At that place are many ways to do it, some of are:-

  • Scanner Class in Java
  • Using Java Bufferedreader Class
  • Panel Course in Java

Let'southward starting time looking different Coffee User Input example

You will run across all 4 methods to do read user input from the panel with simples examples and basic details, one by one.

ane. Scanner Class in Coffee

Coffee user input scanner class use to reading the input from the console. This is the about famous and favorite technique to take user input in java. To use the scanner classes, y'all have to import coffee .util package.

See below the example of Java user input string.

import coffee.util.Scanner;  public course Hi {          public static void master(String[] args) {             // Creating a Scanner object             Scanner scanObj = new Scanner(;             System.out.println("Enter your name");              // Read user input from console             String input = scanObj.nextLine();             Organisation.out.println("You Entered: " + input);  // impress user input     } }        

Output:A code structure and its output GIF.

Java User Input Scanner String

2. Using Java Bufferedreader Grade

BufferedReader class  introduced in JDK1.0.

import; import; import;  public course Hello {          public static void main(String[] args) {             BufferedReader reader =                     new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;             String proper noun = null;             try {                 proper noun = reader.readLine();             } grab (IOException e) {                 eastward.printStackTrace();             }             System.out.println("Website "+proper noun);         } }        

Output: Screenshot

Get user input using Java Bufferedreader Class

iii. Console Class in Java

The Console class was introduced in Coffee 1.6. The methods like readLine() and readPassword() are provide past Console class.

public class Hello {          public static void main(Cord[] args) {             // Using Console to input data from user             Cord proper name = System.panel().readLine();             System.out.println(name);         } }        

Output: prove error, because system.console() method required a console.

Console class in java error


Hither is more often than not mutual question asked in interviewer.

Q1. How to take input from a user in java using a scanner ?


How to pass input in java?

Answer: Information technology'south easy only create Scanner object, create Cord variable and use nextLine() methods to read user input grade panel.

          Scanner scanObj = new Scanner(;             System.out.println("Enter your name");             Cord input = scanObj.nextLine();             Organisation.out.println("You Entered: " + input);        

Q2. How to have input from a user in java without using a scanner class?


How to have input from a user in java using BufferedReader?

Respond: If yous don't want to employ the Scanner class then you lot can use a BufferedReader to take input from a user. See the below code.

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;             String name = null;             try {                 name = reader.readLine();             } grab (IOException e) {                 eastward.printStackTrace();             }             System.out.println("Website "+name);        

Q3. How to take integer input from a user in java?

Answer: In Scanner object using method nextInt() Reads an int value from the user. Let's come across the calculation of 2 number example.

import java.util.Scanner;  public course Hello {      public static void main(String[] args) {         // Creating a Scanner object         Scanner scanObj = new Scanner(;         System.out.println("Enter first number");         int input1 = scanObj.nextInt();         System.out.println("Enter fecond number");         int input2 = scanObj.nextInt();          int output = input1 + input2;         System.out.println("Addition of number is: " + output);     } }        

Output: Enter first number
Enter 2nd number
Addition of number is: 15

Exercise comment if any doubtfulness, suggestion or example.

Notation:  This example (Project) is developed in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.6 (Customs Edition)
JRE: 11.0.ane
JVM:OpenJDK 64-Chip Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS ten.14.i
Java version xi
All  Java User Input Scanner Example Programs is in Java 11, and then it may alter on unlike from Java 9 or 10 or upgraded versions.


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